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My Greatest Fear: My Future role of Caregiving

This year’s Guarantee Trust Bank really stuck out for Me.

A beautiful Sibling of special needs

It was uplifting in many ways; this theme was titled “A spectrum of possibilities”

See: Creating a community of Awe-Tism Advocates

First of all, let’s ignore the title of this post for a while and focus on how GT Bank really decided to do so much this year. It was so unusually perfect- better than the last ones. I had a lot of fun and truly learned a lot in relation to communication with Autistic individuals.

The dance drama this year showed how persons with disabilities can also run for leadership positions.

 Abel, the main character who had autism had the support of his friends to be the student body president and with their encouragement and his efforts, he won.

Corporate Dance World

This proves that the village you belong to, can either make or break you. I’m glad for the Abels’ that have people who constantly fight for them.

GT bank, well done for creating impact! I cannot wait to see more you have to do and hopefully to partner with you!

See also: Empower voices for Autism (GT Autism conference 2023)

And now, to what I really wanted to talk about. Take a deep breath. What many people won’t tell you is how extremely DIFFICULT the management of Autism can be.

The village can be very grateful for the opportunity to be close to a family member with Autism/ any other disability, but can be extremely stressed and worried about a family member or friend with Autism.

I know firsthand what it means to be plagued with worries about the special one. 

For weeks, I have been worried about my future caregiving role. What if he doesn’t enjoy life the way he is? Can I financially handle it? Can I emotionally cater to him? Can I do all that my mother is doing?

Nobody can understand but those who can relate to the struggles.

I went to the Autism conference so sad but had to keep up a nice face because I’m pretty and without that smile, I’m not.

One of the speakers, Dr. Bernadette Kilo’s story inspired me; this amazing woman is a doctor three autistic children.

Three, guys?


She has two sons and one daughter and there and then, I could only imagine what went on in her home. The shouting, crying, sleepless nights; I don’t know anything about her marital life but let’s paint a scenario.

What if her husband was not a serious person and left all of the responsibilities to her? How the heck will she cope?

That’s when I gave thanks for my other family members and how supportive they are. Dr. Bernadette spoke with so much pride and I wondered if times were really tough for her like they were for me.

It has been a tough month for me, my brother and the rest of my family. When I rant to my friends, I appreciate their response; some give opinions on how to handle things better but truly, what I need is an opportunity to cry it out and be hugged. 

During this tough period, I struggled to pray. When I want to open my mouth to ask about him, I freeze and wonder if my prayers are hitting the ceiling and reaching God in heaven. I worry that I may have done something to deserve this, or maybe my parents.

Until one day came, I broke down in my mother’s room and cried my eyes out. I criedddd. My eyes were reddd. I had asked for strength; strength was what I needed at that point because I was weak physically and emotionally.

 Then, I remember I’m a Christian, and those who live for Christ, leave their battles for him. The only thing I can do is cry and pray. That’s one of the few ways to handle tough times.

I'll tell you one thing; God does truly care about our battles and while it does seem like nothing is working out, he is doing something. Trust me, I would love to see all that he is planning; maybe an Angel should knock me out and let me enter a trance so that I can see what the season of turbulent times means.

I will not mind.

Solape Azazi, a beautiful role model

But this is my story for you today. I’m deeply worried, yes but I have someone who is working behind the scenes for me. 

See also: Will I mind if Autism is taken from my life?

So, you bow your head in prayer and take your issues to the lord. See, shout, and cry; there’s nothing wrong with being a little vulnerable. Just because the world is intent on hiding their problems doesn’t mean you should. As Christians, we have someone who cares. 

That should change how we handle things.

Great news! I’ll be hosting another hangout in August and it’s going to be amazing! It’s called “What’s your role in a neurodiverse communtiy?”

 Siblings, professionals and persons interested in the disability space are welcome to come! 

To register, click here 


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