In the past, I mistook these three terms as the same, but in reality they are all different.
When a child or an adult is throwing a tantrum, it's usually seen that they are not getting what they want. You've probably heard of the term "temper tantrum". It is usually stopped by the exertion of their willpower.
I always thought that my brother was throwing tantrums, whenever he starts his whole showdown. it's not so. What my brother exhibits is a meltdown. Meltdowns are caused by overload of sensory. A tantrum and a meltdown may look very similar but it is very different. Meltdowns is out of someone's control, while a tantrum is to a certain extent, driven by will. Meltdowns can also happen to anyone, not just individuals with autism.
Tantrums can also be done for attention-seeking. The reality is that, with meltdowns, you don't need an audience. It can happen in the midst of people or while the person is alone. So, when someone says "he's just trying to get attention". he's really not. Something might be wrong.
A shutdown is also something I recently heard about. My brother would space out for minutes. The African in me would start praying and casting out whatever is in him. A shutdown is a situation when someone becomes non-responsive, unable to communicate and becomes immobile. Usually, the person disappears and is unable to communicate or move.
How to help prevent
meltdowns and shutdowns
By showing support basically. Be intentional about creating environments that do not overwhelm the senses. If your loved one is in shutdown or meltdown mode, make sure they are somewhere safe and also let them be. Don't stress them out the more. We cannot control this. Let's just offer support and love!
Thank you for sharing this difference. It urges us to look at things differently with children in general, siblings and friends. Thank you author