Last year, I prayed that I would be part of the speakers for the GT-Bank Annual Autism Programme and I got an opportunity!
As a chronic overthinker and scaredy cat, I began to worry if I would be able to do it. Everyone knows Public speaking is not my best forte. I couldn’t raise my voice in a group of ten, why would I be able to do it with over 300 people in the room and more virtually?
Despite the voices in my head and my tailor trying to mess up my life the day before, I promised myself that I would let nothing bother me.
This year’s theme is creating a community of Awe-tism Advocates and I couldn’t love it much more. This was the exact one I wanted to go into.
To be honest, I cannot seem to understand how GT bank had been able to plan something so perfect. Everything was perfect for me from the dance and drama presentation by Corporate dance world, to the end of the two-day conference.
I was part of the panel discussion "It takes with a village", this means that it takes a community to raise a child with Autism. Contrary to what people believe, not only parents have the ability to raise a child. It's meant for everyone in the family and possibly around the extended family too.
We all have a part to play. I was there to speak on the siblings' point of view, although I had not said enough but I emphasized that we need support groups for siblings. We need siblings to feel like they have someone to talk to.
Thank God for the ability to talk to him and also for good friends, if not I would have been insane by now.
I learned several things. Advocacy starts with you. You don’t need anyone to start up something.
Mr. Paul Okeugo mentioned that “You cannot know me and not know what autism is”
That is exactly what I want. For someone to know me and not be able to shut up about Autism.
Autism is one of the fasting growing neurodevelopment disorders in Nigeria. Over 600 people are born with Autism every year. It only makes sense that we speak up about it. There are thousands of people with Autism both in the urban areas and rural areas. I believe that it is something that we need to spread the word about because there are people who believe that Autism is a sign of bad luck, something of demonic possession.
That’s why I would always appreciate Gurnett Trust Bank for all that they are doing- it takes great will and courage to keep doing this for years. They have not only touched lives but have changed a lot of people’s lives.
Thank you, Guarantee Trust Bank, and thank you for having me. I hope next time I wouldn’t be so shy to speak my truth.
For more about the 12th conference, watch this link.
Let's strive for an inclusive world.
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