World Down Syndrome is a special day marked every March 21st to celebrate people with Down syndrome. Down syndrome is a lifelong condition in which a person has an extra chromosome. Chromosomes determine how a baby’s body forms and functions as it grows during the pregnancy and after birth.
Early intervention can help individuals to improve on their physical and intellectual abilities.Right now, I am so glad that there is so much inclusion in the world. This is exactly what I was hoping for. We have people with Down syndrome that are being recognized!
This year, Sofia Jirau made history as the first Victoria’s secrets model with down syndrome! She was joined along with 17 other women for the company’s new campaign.
We have other people who have Down syndrome and who are totally amazing. Madeline Stuart is an Australian model who has done so much, walking for the New York Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week, and London Fashion Week, despite having Down syndrome. Tommy Jessop is the first Down Syndrome actor to star in a Primetime BCC drama and also founded the Blue Apple Theatre Company.
We also have movies on Down Syndrome for you to check out. After Life is a movie made in 2003 about a Scottish journalist is torn between a high-profile career and caring for his younger sister who has Downs Syndrome.
Buddies is about an adventure movie on Three young people with Down syndrome who want to live out their wishes.
For more movies on Down Syndrome, please visit the link Movies about Down Syndrome - IMDb
Let's appreciate people with Down Syndrome today and also on other days too. Inclusion is super important right now! They deserve all the love and support in order to reach their potential. Don’t restrict them!
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