Imagine having an autistic child and calling it something else for years…. Demonic possession, sickness, illness, madness… That’s the situation of one of my books’ protagonist. One of my books, All for my beautiful odd boy revolves around a young woman’s battle with understanding her autistic son. This fiction work of art is set in a rural setting where many don’t have an idea of Autism. For many years, this young mother attributes her son’s habits to madness or demonic possession. This is the case of many children with Autism who are subjected to discrimination because society doesn’t know the true meaning of Autism. Many people may not believe based on the environment they live in, their beliefs and traditions, and their family members. Guess what? This hinders early diagnosis and also further development. Tobi clocks 22 this year and I could talk about the moments of pain, battles, and raging thoughts on my part but I’m not. I’m going to talk about how Autism chan...
"Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver." -Barbara de Angelis