Happy Autism Awareness Day! Image from HealthPark Pediatrics It is one of my favorite days on earth; I’ll tell you why. It’s the day when many put out content and reasons why YOU and everyone should know about Autism. Today, I’m speaking about Autism awareness in rural communities. Autism is a disorder that makes an individual act a certain way from others; there’s the aspect of communication, the meltdowns where people liken to “tantrums” for years, The therapy, and the fact that early intervention could allow a child to progress better in life. See post: Empower Voices For Autism Early intervention means that after the detection of Autism in the ward or child’s life, there would need to be treatment. I’m not talking about blood samples or prescription of drugs; I’m talking about enrollment into special education, therapy, and lots of therapies. Some people in the rural communities do not have the luxury of that. My little Brother on the Spectrum A little...
"Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver." -Barbara de Angelis