Are medications really effective?? I recall a particular medication my little brother was given by a specialist. He had a serious reaction to it- his neck became very stiff and he couldn't really move. Of course, my Yoruba parents began to fear and fuss. I didn't think those kind of medications had side effects. ASD Medications can be used for various things- to manage high energy levels, to help a child focus, to treat depression, or to manage seizures. Currently, there is no medication that can cure Autism spectrum disorder but there are some that can help treat certain symptoms associated with ASD, especially certain behaviors. Research has shown that medication is very effective when used in combination with behavioral therapies. However, not all m edications work for all children. If you need to get a particular medication for your child or ward, the first step is to collaborate with a good specialis t. It is important to work...
"Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver." -Barbara de Angelis