Happy New year, guys! Last year, I was really consistent about posting on this blog. Unfortunately, I cannot be posting bi-weekly because your girl is an adult and she cannot handle so much. Although, I will be using my Instagram account for more content. Follow SpectrumSis on Instagram So, as this is the first blogpost of the year. I decided to start on a light note, talking about the Diagnosis of Autism. As you know Autism is a spectrum and it presents itself differently in people. Not everyone experiences the same symptoms. If your child or sibling has been showing signs that he/she might be autistic, the right thing to do is to go to a doctor. The good news is that there are experienced specialists that can help to get a proper diagnosis. Doctors and Behavioural Specialists can look at your child's developmental history and behavior and then make decisions from there. ASD is usually detected at 18 months or younger. Earl...
"Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver." -Barbara de Angelis